To step into the mystic you must practice trust
Bees have lived on Earth for over 100 million years. These magnificent creatures flew alongside dinosaurs, gathering nectar from flowers that had no petals. Over the millennia, the Kingdom of Bees evolved alongside the Kingdom of Plants to create an ideal synergistic relationship and co-creating the Earth.
The connection between Humans and Bees is relatively recent. The first contact was found in the Caves of Aranya, in Valencia, Spain. There are several rock paintings, about 10,000 years old, showing a sacred and harmonious relationship of humans with the spirit of the Hive.
Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, understood their connection with Bees as a path or passage between their current life and the afterlife, or even eternity. Collecting honey was more than a simple act of obtaining nourishment, it was a mystical ritual of connection with the Gods and a harmonious act of reverence.
Nowadays on Earth, we can find a great variety of Human relationships with Bees. At one end we have the commercial beekeeper with thousands of hives, with the intention of exploiting the bees and seeking the maximum yield, either through the sale of honey or through the pollination service; at the other end, we have people with a beehive in the garden with the intention of connecting with the bees, as our ancestors did.
Silvestres family resonates with the ancestral connection.
Our intention is to share our knowledge so that more people can coexist with Bees in a harmonious way.