Education Area

In the Area of Education we immerse ourselfs in the hive to learn from the Bees. This journey of learning and exploration enriches our own understanding, but also contribute to the well-being of the bees.

The education with the hive provides insights into the wisdom and knowledge of life that bees have accumulated over their presence of over 100 million years on Earth. By observing and being curious about their lifestyle, we gain enlightenment about the world around us.


School Workshop

By incorporating Bee Education into school curriculum, students can gain a greater appreciation for the natural world and develop a sense of responsibility towards protecting bee populations.

Educational Workshops

Activities designed for various settings such as markets, retreats, festivals, and other venues. Crafted to deliver valuable insights into the critical role of bees in our ecosystem and their significance in our lives

Team-Building Workshop

Draws inspiration from the remarkable teamwork and collaboration found within a beehive, and applies these principles to the dynamics of a corporate environment.

Offerings from the Bees

To contribute to the Bees, we welcome you to enjoy our offerings. Whether it's our products, services, or educational resources, we strive to provide valuable experiences for everyone who supports our mission.