Mónica: "Bees fascinate me, connecting me deeply with myself and with the subtle worlds"
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Monica is an exceptional and talented therapist trained in physiotherapy, osteopathy, NLP, hypnosis, sound therapy, conscious breathing, and Synergistic Yoga.
Monica's journey led her to travel for 10 years through the Americas, the Middle East, and the Himalayas, learning the worldview of different cultures and ancestral healing techniques. Currently, she is immersed in the biodynamic approach to being.
Her journey with bees began as a pure admiration and unfamiliarity. Despite learning from her brother, who is a beekeeper, nothing compares to the close encounter she is having now.

After your experience at the Bee Sanctuary, have you noticed any changes or evolution in your relationship with these animals?
My relationship with the bees has changed considerably. Now I can watch them and notice many more things: the way they fly, the direction they go, how they create geometries, and whether they are agitated or calm. I have discovered the smell of the hive, its temperature, and what surprises me most is the high vibration they transmit. I feel like I'm starting to communicate with them through presence.
What experience at the Bee Sanctuary have touched you the most on a personal level?
One day, while transferring a swarm, the queen slipped out and settled outside the nest just in next of me. A cloud of bees formed around me, and when I looked up, I saw myself surrounded by a toroid that the bees formed, flying in an infinite shape. I will remember that experience all my life. The reflection I take with me is that everything in the universe is guided by frequency, vibration and energy.

What changes have you seen the Bee Sanctuary bring to the space, visitors and the Amara Valley community?
The bee sanctuary has opened a new space on the land, connecting several terraces, from the Temazcal to the Mushroom House, creating cohesion between the spaces. The community of Amara Valley finds inspiration in the spirit of the Bee and their way of living in a colony. Just like bees work together for the common good of the hive, the community members work together for the betterment of the land.
What importance have Silvestres had in the process of creation and development of the Bee Sanctuary?
Thanks to Maria and Silvestres, this project was inspired and guided at all times. Without them, it would not have been possible. For which I feel deep gratitude, thank you Maria!

Tell us about that experience in which you accompanied María without a protective suit during a nest offering to a swarm, and accidentally crushed a bee that stung you. How did you feel at that moment? Where is the fear of bites?
It was a great experience; It was the first time I had interacted with them without the protection of a suit. That day, while moving one of the hives, I accidentally crushed a bee with the little finger of my right hand and felt the sting immediately. I removed the stinger and continued with the maneuver. In these five months of relationship with them, I have received three stings, all for crushing them unintentionally. Now I don't feel any fear of their stings. I'm more cautious when moving so as not to hurt any of them. They do not sting by chance; everything has a reason for being. I maintain a certain respect, but no fear.
After that experience, would you repeat a similar activity or would you remain more cautious? What did you learn from it?
Without hesitation, I would repeat the experience. I learned that they sense the vibration of humans and that, if you stay calm, there is no need to fear them.

Share something you have learned about bees during your participation in the Sanctuary and that you want to pass on to others.
I have learned that drones are fed by bees. His main mission is to impregnate the queen. They are expelled from the nest in winter and usually die, re-emerging in spring. It's amazing!
In one sentence, describe your current relationship with bees after being involved in this project.
Bees fascinate me, connecting me deeply with myself and with the subtle worlds.
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